Here are just a few of the Awesome Word Clouds that were created by our Awesome Dancers!! What are words that describe you?! This month the goal is to sit down with a parent or can even call them if they life too far... ask them to tell you all the things that make you special. Write down as many adjectives/descriptive words as you can and then create a word-cloud poster. Have Fun learning about yourself and then creating a fun poster that will be a beautiful reminder of all that you are. There is no right or wrong..on how to make a word cloud. "We are who we believe we are." Here are some words to help you make your Awesome Word Cloud Poster! academic - accurate - adaptable - adorable - adventurous - affectionate - aggressive - agreeable - alert - alluring - ambitious - amused - appreciative - artistic - assertive - athletic - attractive - beautiful - boastful - bold - boundless - brave - bright - broad-minded - bungling - calm - capable - carefree - careful - caring - casual - cautious - charming - cheerful - clean - comfortable - confident - clever - competent - composed - confident - conscientious - conservative - considerate - contrary - cool - cooperative - courageous - courteous - crazy - creative - credible - cultured - curious - daring - dashing - dazzling - debonair - decent - decisive - decorous - dedicated - deliberate - delightful - demented - deranged - detailed - determined - devoted - dignified - diligent - disagreeable - dynamic - discreet - dominant - dynamic - eager - earnest - easygoing - eccentric - efficient - elated - eminent - enchanting - encouraging - endurable - emotional - empathetic - energetic - entertaining - enthusiastic - ethical - excellent - exciting - excited - exclusive - exuberant - fair-minded - fanatic - faithful - fashionable - feminine - firm - flexible - fool - forceful - formal - frank - friendly - fun - funny - generous - gentle - good-natured - great - gregarious - gorgeous - haggard - handsome - happy - healthy - helpful - hermetic - high-flier - hyperactive - happy - honest - hopeful - humorous - hypochondriac - idealistic - idiot - imaginative - immaculate - immature - impromptu - incoherent - independent - individualistic - industrious - infatuated - informal - influential - insipid - intellectual - intelligent - intense - interesting - inventive - jaded - keen - kind - kleptomaniac - laid-back - leadership - learned - leisurely - light-hearted - likable - lively - logical - loving - lovable - loyal - lunatic - maniac - masculine - mature - mean - methodical - meticulous - mild - moderate - modest - natural - neat - noble - obliging - open-minded - optimistic - organized - original - outgoing - painstaking - patient - patriotic - peaceable - persevering - philosophical - pitiful - pleasant - poised - polite - positive - powerful - practical - precise - professional - prudent - purposeful - quick - quiet - rambling - rational - realistic - reasonable - reflective - relaxed - reliable - religious - reserved - resilient - resourceful - respectable - responsible - responsive - retiring - revered - robust - romantic - sane - secure - self-confident - self-controlled - sensible - sensitive - serious - sharp-witted - sincere - sociable - sophisticated - spiritual - spontaneous - spunky - stable - steady - stimulating - strong - tactful - thoughtful - tolerable - tough - trusting - trustworthy - unassuming - understanding - unreliable - unique - untrustworthy - verbal - versatile - violent - venerable - wholesome - wild - wise - witty - willing - youthful - zany
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