So this week was a highlight for me. I did something new that I hadn't done before. We invited in, as a "special guest" our parents, to watch their dancer perform and demonstrate the things they have learned since September. Each class was a bit different, but overall, the dancers had a positive experience. It was great to be able to tell the parents, this is what your child has been learning, here are some tips you can help them with at home, and this is why we are doing this move or skill. ... Then...., some of our students were able to show their parents how to do certain moves. It was AWESOME to watch our dancers teach their parents. And even though there was some shyness from the parents to want to participate, I KNOW the it was a positive and neat thing to do with their child. Thank you Parents for getting out there on the floor and dancing with your child! They will NEVR forget it! ~ MEMORy MAdE ...Check (: .... Another MEMORy MAdE was when we performed for the elderly at some local Assisted living homes This month and Last. We are so grateful to them for letting us come in and perform and Spread some Holiday/Christmas Cheer through song and Dance. Click here to see some cute class videos
I Love Our Dancers!
Thank you for all the Random Acts of Kindness you offered this December. If you're having a bad day or just don't feel yourself, put our Random Acts of Kindness to the Test. I guarantee you will being saying the same thing our dancers said: "I felt Great, Happy, Good inside, and it Made Me Want to Do More!" Here are some examples: 1. I Helped Stuff the Bus. 2. Donated Shoes 3. Helped Wrap presents 4. Helped Cleaned the house 5. Scratched Dad's back 6. Helped an Elderly Lady 7. Set the Table 8. Donated Clothes 9. Helped a Little Girl Who Fell 10. Helped My Teacher Clean Her Room 11. Gave food to Someone in Need 12. Raked Leaves for My Neighbor 13. Let Someone Go in front of me in Line. 14. Gave a Pencil to my Classmate 15. I Read to my Brother 16. I made my Sisters Bed 17. Helped my Family Give Christmas to a Family Way to Go Dancers, Keep it up! Thank you to all our classes who donated shoes to help a village in Africa to purchase a well. Together we donated 122 pairs of shoes. The shoes will be taken over to Africa and sold. The money received will then be used to purchase a well for clean water. Many children walk miles a day along dangerous roads, to get their water. This well will be a gift that never stops giving! It will also help save lives as many people get sick and later die from the unclean water. My heart goes out to these people. Thank you to those who are getting the shoes to Africa, Thank you to those who donated the shoes, Thank you to those who initiated the whole idea!! Thank you to God for all the wonderful blessings we enjoy simply by living in America! We truly are so blessed! I am so humbled by all the good people that are a part of my life! Thank you for your goodness. I pray for you and your families. Merry Christmas to all and May God BLESS EVeRyOnE ! Give a gift that never stops giving....Help a village in Africa have a well for water by donating any unwanted shoes you may have. Any size, Any kind. Bring your no longer needed shoes to dance class by or before Tues December 9th. Your Random Act of kindness will help save lives...Literally! For some other great ideas of Random Acts of Kindness click on the links below:
April 2015
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