Covid Game Plan
*We will continue as we have been functioning by having dancers to wash hands, Provide sanitizer for dancers and frequently clean touched surfaces. We will continue to use an Air diffuser with essential oils for the classrooms which help purify the air.
*It is recommended that each family seek to fortify and boost their own immune system before cold and flu season starts, practice good hygiene, stay physically active and healthy, and educate themselves on how to boost their immune system. Vit. C, D, and Zinc are very helpful. Take multivitamins, incorporate Ginger, honey, lemon, elderberries, cinnamon, clove, oregano, peppermint, melaleuca, hydrogen peroxide, and colloidal or sovereign silver into your home medicines. There are lots more. This is just some of the things I know about or personally use.
*It is expected that each family use good judgement as to whether your child should comes to class or not. Take temperature if unsure. Don't come if they have a consistent and/or yucky cough, has a runny nose and is sneezing a lot....(not b/c of allergies). Stay home if you have any cold like symptoms in your chest, sore throat, lack of taste and smell, or are achy or tired.
*Dancers need to keep a mask in their dance bag during cold season, this way they can cough into that, or if a teacher feels it is necessary to have a dancer or dancer(s) wear it, they can easily grab it form their bag. Otherwise, Dancers are free to choose to wear a mask or not. Wearing a mask while dancing psychologically stresses me out, makes me feel claustrophobic and builds anxiety for multiple reasons. I know that there are other dancers and teachers in this same predicament. Therefore I feel it is best to let you do you and be you, knowing that we all are doing our best to be cautious and careful.
*Classes will run each week as planned. If there is a major concern or outbreak that threatens our dancers, we will do our best to quickly transition to an online class (check your email regularly) and then resume back to the studio as quickly as possible.
*If a class member or their family member has covid and can't come to class, we will hold an online class or provide a video(s) for that dancer. Communication will be key so I know to make this available to you.
*In other words, we will do our best to adjust to the needs of the situation.
*This past year and a half is a testament to me that physical activity and the friendships we have from dance is needed and wanted! It has been a healthy benefit to us all.
*I will always do my best to communicate with you and make prayerful decisions in behalf of our dance families.
*Please keep Inspired Dance in your prayers, that our dancers and their families will be protected from this virus and that our classes will be a safe place. Also continue to pray for relief from this covid pandemic. We must not give up or loose heart….even though I know I have struggled with this very thing…..
*I welcome input and suggestions, question, and concerns. I respect opinions.. and understand that not everything is a perfect match.
*I hope me communicating my thoughts helps us move forward with a common goal and feel like we're on the same page. Over the past few months, I have felt a wonderful sense of love, respect and desire to protect each other. Thank you for your help in making our classes fun, safe, and a wholesome place to be.
Amy 😊
*It is recommended that each family seek to fortify and boost their own immune system before cold and flu season starts, practice good hygiene, stay physically active and healthy, and educate themselves on how to boost their immune system. Vit. C, D, and Zinc are very helpful. Take multivitamins, incorporate Ginger, honey, lemon, elderberries, cinnamon, clove, oregano, peppermint, melaleuca, hydrogen peroxide, and colloidal or sovereign silver into your home medicines. There are lots more. This is just some of the things I know about or personally use.
*It is expected that each family use good judgement as to whether your child should comes to class or not. Take temperature if unsure. Don't come if they have a consistent and/or yucky cough, has a runny nose and is sneezing a lot....(not b/c of allergies). Stay home if you have any cold like symptoms in your chest, sore throat, lack of taste and smell, or are achy or tired.
*Dancers need to keep a mask in their dance bag during cold season, this way they can cough into that, or if a teacher feels it is necessary to have a dancer or dancer(s) wear it, they can easily grab it form their bag. Otherwise, Dancers are free to choose to wear a mask or not. Wearing a mask while dancing psychologically stresses me out, makes me feel claustrophobic and builds anxiety for multiple reasons. I know that there are other dancers and teachers in this same predicament. Therefore I feel it is best to let you do you and be you, knowing that we all are doing our best to be cautious and careful.
*Classes will run each week as planned. If there is a major concern or outbreak that threatens our dancers, we will do our best to quickly transition to an online class (check your email regularly) and then resume back to the studio as quickly as possible.
*If a class member or their family member has covid and can't come to class, we will hold an online class or provide a video(s) for that dancer. Communication will be key so I know to make this available to you.
*In other words, we will do our best to adjust to the needs of the situation.
*This past year and a half is a testament to me that physical activity and the friendships we have from dance is needed and wanted! It has been a healthy benefit to us all.
*I will always do my best to communicate with you and make prayerful decisions in behalf of our dance families.
*Please keep Inspired Dance in your prayers, that our dancers and their families will be protected from this virus and that our classes will be a safe place. Also continue to pray for relief from this covid pandemic. We must not give up or loose heart….even though I know I have struggled with this very thing…..
*I welcome input and suggestions, question, and concerns. I respect opinions.. and understand that not everything is a perfect match.
*I hope me communicating my thoughts helps us move forward with a common goal and feel like we're on the same page. Over the past few months, I have felt a wonderful sense of love, respect and desire to protect each other. Thank you for your help in making our classes fun, safe, and a wholesome place to be.
Amy 😊